Annamária Dóra Húros
Set and Costume Designer, Interior Designer
Where imagination knows no bounds...
Annamária Húros, set and costume designer, interior designer, one of the most prominent artists of the Hungarian theatre scene. Her style has a uniqueness and independence that cannot be mistaken for any other.
His work encompasses much of Hungarian set and costume design throughout the country.

The hand builds character.
Annamária Dóra Húros
Set and Costume Designer
Different every day...
He is one of the best known and most influential artists in Hungarian theatre. He graduated from the Budapest College of Applied Arts as an interior designer in 1977. He first worked in a design office and then studied stage design at the Great Drama Theatre in St Petersburg on a scholarship in 1979. Between 1979 and 1980 he designed for the company in Szolnok, and from 1981 for the company in Pécs.
Constructive stage builder and dresser. He has designed costumes and scenery for almost all genres, with productions numbering close to four hundred. His costumes are always kept in the sewing rooms, one costume always appears in a different play with slight alterations over many years, because their stage effect is often needed. They can therefore be exhibits in their own right, works of art in their own right.
Costume- and Decorative Letters
Theatre plays in their entirety...
AIDA musical costume

Crazy Ásvay

Variations on Dórira

Prisoners of God musical set

Whatever I plan, I will do
- Dress
- Furniture
- Headdress
- Housing



Pictures of my work
INDOOR Pirate minigolf courses
Budapest Király utca 8.

Prisoners of God

For more photos, visit my social media pages...
Hunting lodge

Showroom by Dóri

my published works
Video clips from
always smiling,
Doing it all, doing it all